Monday, December 21, 2009

Yurtles (Fake Turtles!)

Ever wanna turtle but you're too busy to make da real ting? Well...ya can make da YURTLES! Easy 'n good is da best, eh?

(Yoopers talk like dis. Whatsa YOOPER? Well, it's da name for da people who live in and speak a dialect of da English language in da upper peninsula of Michigan, and northern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota.

You can go here and read about da Yooper. I have lotsa Yooper relation. Dat will be yer geography lesson today. And, fer more fun, read about dese people dat make a livin singin' da yooper songs! Dey're a HOOOOOT!!

Back to da YURTLES.


Ya need dem ROLOS, unwrap em.

Ya need pecan halves.

Ya need some foil on a cookie sheet.

Ya need dem round pretzels set in rows on da foil.

Ya need da oven at 250.

So put da Rollos in da middle of da pretzels, smallest end down.

Put em in da oven for FOUR MINUTES ONLY.

When dey come out of da oven, squish dose pecan halves down into da melty Rollos.

Lettem cool.

Eat dem suckers!

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