Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Pan Each for Dinner & Desert

Bloggers are such helpful people....they're the virtual friend over the back fence....just miles and miles away in....say, TEXAS! I got this delicious recipe from Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage and I knew I had to try it. It just so happens I have a friend who is pretty much taking care of her elderly mom full time after a fall broke her pelvis.

So, knowing that I wanted to make this recipe, I offered to take dinner one night for her own family as well as her mom and step dad. I just couldn't wait to see if they all liked it. They did! So, it's a keeper, and here's the link to "Shirley's Chicken Pot Pie"....thanks TINA! (I'm smiling at you and waving wildly over the back fence...!)

And, another blog-wonder, whose blog I've read since its inception, is Ree, over at Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. I've long ago lost count of the awesome recipes of hers that I've tried, and this one is just the best for this time of year. I happened to have plenty of apples on hand the day I took the Chicken Pot Pie over so I tried her Apple Cake in an Iron Skillet and HOLY COW WOW!

I wasn't able to invert it on a plate like she recommends because I was carrying the meal to the family, but it smelled absolutely HEAVENLY and looked gorgeous and was even easy to assemble. I'm always up for an iron skillet recipe!
This "neighbor" happens to be talented in many areas, especially in photography, has multiple blogs and is a ranching wife way over in the northeastern corner of Oklahoma. She home schools all her punks and even managed to find time to write a cookbook!

With recipes like this one, she will be a top seller in no time because all her readers have pre-ordered and we're for sure going to tell our friends about it and give it for Christmas gifts!



1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good recipe to me, hugs and thanks for sharing
