Monday, November 23, 2009

Simply Delicious Chicken Fingers!

Once in a while you want fried chicken, right? Well this fried chicken is different, delicious, and delightfully easy! It would be great paired with mashed potatoes, salad and biscuits for a Sunday dinner, or it easily goes casual and is great paired with marinara and/or ranch dressing for a casual supper Sunday night in front of the game! I'm sorry I don't have exact amounts or measurements, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of cook!
The ingredients are few, you will need:
Boneless skinless chicken breasts
milk (not lowfat)
Italian bread crumbs
Grated Parmesan cheese fresh or the kind in a can (actually the dry stuff in the can has better results but the fresh has more zip)
canola oil
1. Cut the chicken into thin strips, not too thin, but about 1/2" thick.
2. Pour the Italian bread crumbs and the parmesan cheese into a low bowl or pan suitable for breading the strips of chicken, ratio about 1 to 1-1/2 cups bread cups to about a half cup parmesan cheese.
3. Pour your milk into one bowl or pan that's flatter and suitable for soaking the chicken strips in before dipping them into the crumb mixture. If you have time, it's nice to soak the strips in the bowl of milk for a awhile before dipping, this helps tenderize the chicken.
I use an electric frypan to make this, it just makes it easier to regulate the heat and doesn't mess up the stove with can use a frypan on the stove, I prefer a teflon coated one.
Here's what you do until the chicken strips are all gone:
1. Drain the milk from each strip.
2. Roll each strip in the bread crumb mixture, if I run out of the mixture I throw a little more of each into the bowl and toss with a fork and get right back to dipping!
3. Fry them in the hot oil (my family loves extra crispy and dark like the picture above) turning when you're happy with the doneness.
4. Drain each batch on fresh paper towels.
Enjoy the resulting love handles!

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